Potion Commotion (4 day)

This event is no longer on sale.

Monday July 3

9:00 AM  –  4:00 PM

Monday, July 3 and Wednesday, July 5 – Friday, July 7: 9am-4pm (4 days)
Ages 6-8

Cause a commotion and stir up a potion! Explore the wonders and fun of chemistry. Learn about polymers, experiment with powders, explore the periodic table, and concoct crazy potions. Make slime and oobleck, discover viscosity, the states of matter, and make messy mixtures pop, fizz and bang! 

Extended Care options:
•    AM Care 7:45-9am: $16 for full week (4 days)
Supervised, unstructured playtime monitored by Summer Fun staff. Staff will socialize and interact with campers; however, staff-led activities do not occur at this time.

•    PM Care 4:15-5:30pm: $20 for full week (4 days)
For a more structured exploration time in smaller group settings, you and your camper can choose the elective that's right for you! Choose between Movie Buffs, the Reading Room, KEVA Club and Board Gamers.

RMSC Members save $15 on Full-day Camps
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